Day Three…
Read through Mark 4 & 5
Why Read the Bible?
Jesus was an incredible storyteller. He used stories to teach us spiritual truths. They are called parables. One of Jesus first parables was about the Bible which teaches why we should read it. He also wants us to be like the disciples and loves it when we ask Him questions.
Mark 4 is about farming. What does that have to do with the Bible and why we need to read it? In this parable Jesus answers these two questions for us. Lets unpack what He meant…
A farmer is planting seeds, we see that some seeds grow while others don’t. It seems to depend on the condition of the soil. In v14 Jesus gives us a key to what this could mean for us. “The farmer sows the Word” and in Luke 8 v 11 Jesus tells us “The seed is the Word of God". Jesus is comparing God’s Word to seed. A seed isn’t much to look at but inside holds all the potential and tools necessary to grow an entire tree or plant, from roots to the fruit. A seed is amazing in that such a tiny thing which gets buried and yet can create life, given the right environment. Jesus wants us to understand that the Bible is more than just a book but it has the same potential as a seed which can give us the tools for growing our spiritual life. But in what? Maybe a better question is, in who?
Good Soil
Jesus explained that the soil is like our hearts. He reveals the different types of reactions we can have when we hear the Word of God. It seems to be how open are we to receiving His Word or not.
There is power in God’s Words. For some, when the Word is heard, their hearts (soil) are like rock, closed off and nothing can get in. For others, their hearts are like gravel, the seed can grow a little but doesn’t grow deep enough roots so when trouble comes, they aren’t able to endure. Then there are those who have thorns (pleasures and worries) which crowds out and chokes God’s Word. But there are those, who hearts are open to receive and the Word is able to grow and in time, their lives bear good fruit. Carry on reading the rest of Mark 4 to find out how you can make sure your heart has the rich good soil. Our goal is to get you to read your Bible for yourself as it is an essential part of following Jesus. Mark 4 and 5 tell us more parables of Jesus, and more of the miracles that He does. Take notice how all of it was done by the power of His words. Imagine what His words can do in your life and that all you need is good soil in your heart.
Think about the following questions
Why do you think Jesus compares God’s Word with a seed? How are they similar? ___________________________________
If the soil represents your heart, what kinds of things can you do to make sure that God’s word has room to grow and bear fruit in you? ___________________________________
Have you seen how God’s Word has affected you or someone you know? ___________________________________
The Bible is the highest authority for The Word of God. Therefore it is our standard for Truth. God still speaks to us today through the Bible and it perfectly reveals who Jesus is and is true from start to finish. Jesus is the exact mirror image of God as well as the true expression of Father God and what His nature is like. As you get to know Jesus through reading the Bible, you will also come to know Father God. Jesus preached from the Word and was always focused on God’s Word. We believe that Jesus still speaks through His Word today. Loving Jesus means to keep and obey His Word. You have a choice to be either humbled and want to learn how to live Jesus’ way or be full of pride, still continuing to be independent from God and do life your way.